Thursday, May 17, 2012

I made it to Barcelona! After what I think might have been the worst 3 hours of my life.

 The issue with getting was time. My flight was out of Pisa at 6:30am. Not like I haven't done that before, but going from a small town to the airport takes a bit of a dance. I didn't schedule a taxi with enough time in advance so I had to find other options. Marta, Giuseppe's mother, was kind enough to offer to take me should I really be stuck. But we checked out the train times and she thought I'd be good with getting there just after 6. This made me a bit nervous so I took the route of "how bad can killng 3 hours in an airport be?" Again, not like I haven't done it before! So off I go at 11:45pm and get to Pisa Centrale at 12:30am. Marta also mentioned she had walked from there to the airport so I had directions just in case I couldn't find a taxi.

Well, I didn't find a taxi and at that time, I didn't want to be anywhere near the station. Off I go again. The walk was about 25 minutes and was really rather easy. Just not sure if I'd recommend it at 12:30am!

When I bought my train ticket earlier in the day, the guy told me once you are in the airport, you can stay, but if it's closed, out of luck. So I wasn't sure what to expect at 1am. I walked up to the doors and they opened!! This meant I would be inside, warm, and able to get somewhat comfortable for a few hours. This lasted an all of 5 minutes. Security said everyone had to head out. Off I go once again.

I killed an all of 3 minutes getting a ticket for my return and lost the bench I was scoping out in the meantime. So I ended up on a stone bench with no back and read. After awhile my neck hurt so I tried laying down. But the stone was so cold! It was a chilly night but I was so lucky I thought to put on my coat before I left. So I ventured off for a place out of the wind a bit. I came across the outdoor seating of a cafe but the sides weren't really covered and I was trying to avoid sitting up the entire time. I walked a bit further and found a place that had an awning and some faux side walls. Score! I took the lead of someone already in there and lined up a few chairs to lay down for a bit.

During this time I learned I cannot survive being homeless or the Hunger Games. I was freezing and miserable. Not prepared to sleep outside for even just a few hours. Under my coat, I had on leggings, long dress, no socks and fully covered shoes. My feet got cold fast. So did my nose! At one point, I moved my hand and realized I had a HUGE bite on my knuckle and it hurt. My finger even was swollen already. But the scary part was that finger was so close to my face. I got very freaked out very quickly. But I didn't see anything in my search so laid back down. I don't think you can call what I did sleep. I was just less awake at some points in the night. Added to it, the guy closest to me had noisy track pants on and with each movement and scratch by him, that's all I heard. With an hour to go, I didn't think I could do it. My feet were just too frozen. It was then I got the idea to use another pair of leggings to cover them. Why I didn't think of tht before is beyond me! But I got through the last hour (the airport opens at 4am) still unable to feel my feet. I'll spare the details of wearing 2 pairs of leggings to fix this problem!

It might not sound so bad in the written word but it truly was the least fun thing I've done in quite some time. I'm still trying to think of something that compares. Cold, way underdressed, and sleeping on plastic chairs is not fun. As I got up to head inside, I realized Mr. Track Pants didn't have luggage and the guy laying down didn't really have proper shoes on. I think I did end up sleeping with the homeless.

The rest of the morning was uneventful. Flight on time, slept, bus to the city. But then I headed to the fnac and got my Bruce tickets. It really helped make up for the last 12 hours! I'm laying low today, time for a nap actually, and will plan my weekend a bit later. A drink tonight will feel quite nice I'm sure. It's not too late to get on a plane and meet me for tomorrow!! I can't wait to post about that. Something fun, entertaining, and what's sure to be amazing.

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