Wednesday, May 23, 2012

In all the excitement of my Barcelona travels, I forgot to mention the Giro d'Italia passed literally down the street here in Empoli. I can best describe it as the Italian version of the Tour de France. Except they aim for a pink shirt instead of yellow.

It felt like the procession of cars with spare bikes was longer than the cyclists!! Eugenia, Pietro and I waited outside for about 40 minutes for them to pass. Once they got to us, it took an all of 4 seconds to finish! But it was a pretty cool moment. Can't say I'll be seeing that for quite some time!

Here's a nice image from my wandering around Empoli. Simple: Peace

Yesterday I took a trip to Milan for a meeting/interview at the American School of Milan. I sent out an introductionary letter to the director when I arrived in Italy and he wanted to meet me! I was better off coming from Empoli since the ride was only 2 1/2 hours versus the 4 1/2 from PSG. The meeting was at 2pm and I was all done by 2:30pm. Lots of time to kill!

I had the taxi driver take me to the Duomo so I can do what I do best - wander!! I've seen that church so many times and each time I do it's incredible. 

This is the taxi ride I had a bit of a heart attack. When I went to go pay him, my money was not in its usual place and I thought it had fallen out on the ride to the school. Panic mode!! But he turned the car off and told me don't worry if I don't have the money. He was so great about it! Granted, I wasn't fully concerned about him, but more for the fact that was all my Euro!! But it turned up in another part of my wallet and I was able to breathe again and pay him. But it was not a fun 5 minutes!

I stopped for a bite to eat and a glass of wine (ok, maybe two) in the area. I know it was touristy, but there's really only so much you can avoid. Besides, I wouldn't have gotten this cool pizza had I not! Not sure what they would have done if I ordered the margherita! 

I got a bit lost after lunch but definitely had time to kill before my train back. Of course I got a bit stubborn and didn't want to ask where I was! (And I didn't have a map!) But I went in what I thought was the right direction and it eventually led me to what we consider "after theater" cafes. Which meant I was close to La Scala! Which meant I'd be back on familiar territory! Turns out I was right. Problem solved! One of these days I'll actually get to see an opera there.....

I made my way back to the train station from the Metro at the Duomo. As I walked down the stairs, I thought I saw a familiar face. Could it be? Could it really be the same guy I would give a few euro cents to each time I passed four years ago?! Sure enough, it was. This wasn't a guy who is ineed of shelter, food, or clothing. He was born blind and just couldn't make it. Or, he's been on some great vacations thanks to me! But my heart still went out to him. So for old times sake, I gave him a few more euro cents. 

But it made me think. Have I been iNY too long to even realize the same thing happens? Are there the same people on the corners and on the subways years later still asking for help? I suppose it wouldn't be out of the question but I can honestly say, my sense of time does not come into play in my home city. 

Milan doesn't have that quaint Italian feel that other cities here do. However, I loved the pulse of it yesterday. Everyone out and about. People out on lunch breaks or heading off to another meeting. Granted it's far from NY, but still a really interesting and vibrant city! 

I'm down to my last two days in Italy. I can't believe it! Off I go....

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